visual art pieces created by student artists when asked to express their feelings about the pandemic
Jayda Richardson
Untitled, Deanne Blake
Naamy Castillo
Rebecca Sykes Quark
Elements of Feeling, Brianna Doctor
How I Feel in the Days of Covid, Makayla Mitchell
Julien Sanchez Levallois
How I Feel in the Days of Covid, Zahir Maloney
How I Feel in the Days of Covid, Nate Murzin
How I Feel in the Days of Covid, Micah Daniels
The Elements and Principles, Brianna Doctor
Iyana Moye
How I Feel in the Days of Covid, Xeleen Rosario
plays-by-mail theater project creators
project artist Robyn Davis
project artist Tain Gregory
project artist Sofia Carrillo
Website Design
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