conceived & coordinated by RealTime Interventions


Thank you for a five-month postal plays adventure beyond our wildest dreams, with

FOUR sold-out shows

TWO shows with second runs due to popular demand

TWO extended runs

and countless moments of long-distance theatrical connection.

Feel free to browse the projects, visit the "sorting room" for behind-the scenes bits and ephemera, and check out our "press room" to read some of the amazing features and reviews we received along the way.


participating companies & lead writers/creators

cooperative arts and humanities high school, New Haven, CT

high school class led by Charley McAfee & David Scott Meikle

demaskus theater collective, Pittsburgh, PA

Karla C. Payne, Charles E. Timbers Jr, Rev. Leah C.K. Lewis, & Shaunda Miles McDill

let's make a theatre company, NYC

Scott Adkins

new georges, NYC

Emerie Snyder with Lina Younes

realtime interventions, Pittsburgh, PA

Molly Rice, Rusty Thelin & Milia Ayache, with Handmade Arcade & City of Asylum

slipped beyond productions, Los Angeles, CA

Chelsea Sutton

the tank, NYC

Alex Hare with Julia Izumi

tiny box theater, NYC & Hong Kong

Ya Chin Chang, Sarah Murphy, Joy Tomasko

the wallpaper company, Troy, NY

Elsa Lepecki Bean, Federico Mostert, Adam O'Connell

visual echo, NYC

Irina Kruzhilina

individual artists

karinne keithley syers , Amherst, MA

melisa tien , NYC

visit project locations

a festival of works that use the post as a theatrical medium

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